We are a 'Good' nursery with key areas that are 'Outstanding'
Behaviour & Attitudes and Personal Development are considered 'Outstanding'
Ofsted noted:
“Bushy Leaze is full of happy children who learn well. They arrive bursting with excitement to see staff and their friends and discover their learning for the day.”
“Children behave exceptionally well. This is because staff model kindness and empathy and children replicate these values in their interactions.”
“There is a warm welcome extended to all families at Bushy Leaze. Leaders commit to far-reaching and extensive support through their ‘family support team’.”
“Leaders have strengthened the curriculum since the last inspection (2022)…They check carefully how well children are learning and use this information to shape individual children’s next steps.”
“Children show high levels of independence and resilience…Children collaborate and work together.”
“The provision for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities is a strength.”
“The school has a strong safeguarding culture because leaders encourage professional curiosity.”
Please find below our most recent Ofsted Report