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Bushy LeazeChildren and Families Centre

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Weekly groups

What's On - Spring Term 2025

There are so many groups on offer at our centre, but who are they aimed at and what do they involve? Please note, all of our weekly groups run term time. We do offer school holiday stay and plays, please keep a look out for these.


  • You and Your Baby - This warm and welcoming group is run by our experienced team and is open to any parents with babies from birth to walking and parents-to-be. The group encourages parents to engage in free flow activities, messy play, story time and song time. It provides a great opportunity to chat and meet with other new parents and babies, and can help to reduce isolation amongst first time families. These sessions are held in Badgers building on Mondays from 10 - 11.30am and Wednesdays from 1 - 2.30pm. Running term time only, no need to book your space.     
  • You and Your Toddler - This is a fun session for families with babies and children under 4. Our experienced team will be on hand to support you with any concerns, and let your child/ren have a wonderful time playing. We provide opportunities for messy play, role play and outdoor play. Come along and have some fun, sing songs and meet with other families. These sessions run on Tuesday from 9.30 – 11am in Badgers building. Running term time only, no need to book your space.     
  • Young Parents (PEEP: Parents Early Education Partnership) - This is group aimed at young parents suitable for those with children from birth up to 5 years old. The group aims to support parents and carers to enhance their children's learning and development and improve their life chances by making the most of everyday learning opportunities. Through this, babies and children become confident communicators and active learners. This is about valuing and building on what parents already do - sharing ideas from parents, practitioners, and also understanding why they help children's later development. This group is run on Tuesdays from 1 - 2.30pm. Running term time only, no need to book your space.   
  • Baby Massage - This nurturing group is run by our qualified Family Support Worker and encourages bonding with your baby and increases parents' confidence in handling their baby. This group helps to reduce isolation for new mums and provides a welcoming and safe space to meet new people. This group is held in our Badgers building on Mondays from 1 - 2.30pm. The five week course must be booked in advance by contacting us at Running term time only.
  • Bushy Tales SEND and Speech and Language Support Group – This is our drop in speech and language and SEND support group for children under 4 and their families needing some additional support from one of our experienced practitioners. Sessions run in Badgers on Wednesdays from 9.30 - 11am. Running term time only. If you would like further information, please email
  • Saturday Dads - This group is for dads or male carers to come along and enjoy a session with their child/ren under the age of 5, full of fun activities and a chance to speak to other dads. Our experienced team will be on hand for support and advice. We offer a light breakfast during the session. Saturday Dads runs on the first Saturday of each month from 9.30 - 11am. Running term time only, no need to book your space. If you would like further information, please email
  • Little Squirrels – Our specialised SEND family stay & play group is aimed at families with children under the age of 5 who require additional support, with our experienced team on hand for support and advice. This is run on the third Saturday of each month from 9.30 - 11am at Bushy Leaze. Running term time only, no need to book your space. If you would like further information, please email


We do not charge to attend our groups, however if you wish to make a small monetary donation whilst attending any of the above sessions please feel free to do so. Thank you.

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