Bushy Leaze Children and Families Centre
Eastbrooke Road
GU34 2DR
Phone: 01420 87675
Email: adminoffice@bushyleaze.hants.sch.uk
The school office is open from 8.00 am - 4.00 pm each day and our friendly team are happy to deal with any enquiries, either in person or over the phone.
If you wish to contact the Headteacher, Becky Hussey, or SENDCo, Sarah Ameer-Beg, please send your message to the above email address marked for their attention.
Our DATA Protection Officer (DPO) is Tammy Parrott, Email: DPO@bushyleaze.hants.sch.uk
Our Family Support Team can be contacted via, Jess Anton - Family Support Co-ordinator: J.Anton@bushyleaze.hants.sch.uk