Governors are elected to serve for 4 years and meet to discuss issues relevant to the management of the Nursery. To find out more about the role, please read the following -
Anne Davies - Co-opted CHAIR 09/03/23 - 08/03/27 Wellbeing
| Paul Susans - Co-opted Vice-Chair 14/05/24 - 13/05/28
Laura Harman-Box - Parent 27/09/22 - 26/09/26 Safeguarding | Gill Pendlebury - Co-opted 27/09/22 - 26/09/26 SEND |
Zara Fraz Parent Governor Development & Training | Amanda Burt - Staff 08/02/21 - 07/02/25
Becky Hussey Headteacher
Clerk to the Governors: Louisa Lawrence
Chair of Governors: Anne Davies can be contacted via email -
We currently have vacancies for 2 co-opted governors and a Local Authority (LA) governor.
If you feel like an exciting challenge and, in the process, wish to help to shape the future of Bushy Leaze why not become a governor. If you wish to find out how interesting and rewarding this role can be, please contact Louisa Lawrence (Clerk) and visit
Minutes from meetings are available on request from the main office