Being physically active every day is important for the healthy growth and development of young children. Set a good example by going for a walk or a bike ride. Playing in the park or swimming with your child shows them being active is fun.
Why not try:
messy play, jumping, walking, dancing, swimming, playground activities, climbing, active play, like hide and seek, throwing and catching, scooting, riding a bike, being outdoors
Healthy Steps
Hampshire Healthy Steps offers support for families with children aged 2 to 12. Providing practical advice on developing healthy habits and supporting wellbeing. Visit:
Just like adults, children should aim to eat 5 or more portions of fruit and vegetables every day. Try to avoid feeding your child large portions and try not to make them finish everything on the plate and eat more than they want to.
There are some great recipes on the website too.
Did you know?
Nearly a quarter of 5 year olds in England have tooth decay, with 3 or 4 teeth affected on average. Tooth extraction is one of the most common procedures for children under 6 in hospital. Extraction is also the most common reason for hospital admission for children aged 6 to 10.
Click on the link below to find out how to take care of your teeth
Having a good nights sleep and the right amount of sleep is important and helps young children to stay healthy.
This website has more information:
There's no hard and fast advice on how much is too much, but experts say children should have no more than 2 hours of screen time or TV each day.